
One year and counting...

Several years ago , I kept hearing about this boy named Joel Alley. Many people in my life were determined that we should meet and that we would be perfect, absolutely perfect for each other. Finally, we met 13 months ago (with lots of convincing on both our parts to allow these friends to set us up. I have never been a fan of the blind date scene and neither has Joel); we really made them work overtime in order to make it happen but they were (obviously) able to pull it off and a year later I can tell you that I've never been happier!

It amazes me to look back over the last year to see how the Lord has not only changed and developed my relationship with Joel but to see how I have changed over the last year. I cannot begin to express how thankful I am to have been blessed with such a Godly man. I have learned so much about God's love for me this year through my relationship with Joel and all I can say is that i'm thankful that I will never be the same! It has been such an amazing thing to see the picture beginning to develop in my own life that is described in Ephesians 5; I have a true desire to submit to Joel (even though I can be quite the strong willed girl ;) because he loves me as Christ loves the church and I know without a shadow of a doubt that he has my best interest in mind.

I am beyond excited to start this new journey that will begin on December 6, 2008, at 6:00 pm. I can't wait to see where the Lord will take us and how He will change us, grow us, and use us!

Amy, it has been an amazing year. I have absolutely no doubt that the Lord has brought us together, (through the efforts of some persistent, Godly friends :-) ), and I am so thankful that He did. Every day I see just a little bit more of how you truly are the companion divinely suited to me (Genesis 2:18). When I'm feeling small you build me up, and when I get too big for my britches you gently burst my bubble. When I'm down you comfort me, sometimes without even realizing it, and when I'm up, you laugh with me. You encourage me, and you love me, and the time I get to spend with you is the most precious of my whole day. I'm starting to understand why the wise man spent so much time extolling the virtues of an excellent wife (Proverbs 31:10-31), because I see those virtues in you. I wonder what I ever did to deserve to have such an amazing woman in my life. I spend time every night thanking the Lord for bringing you into my life, and asking Him to give me one more day to show you how much I love you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you!

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For Our Out of Town Guests...

We have reserved a block of rooms at the Hampton Inn in Gastonia. If you mention the Grayson/Alley wedding, you will receive a discounted room rate. We are looking forward to seeing you and are honored that you are travelling to join us in celebrating our special day!

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